Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers 雨城之誌山川總圖 | 2024
group performance

2024 Taipei Dangdai UBS VIP Opening Performance, Taipei, Taiwan.
2024 Underground flow, DAC - Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
2023 Lacking Sound Fest. at Hualien, Hualien Sunrise Cultural Base 花蓮日出藝文基地, Hualien, Taiwan.
Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City’s Mountains and Rivers
In the past, Taipei was once a vast lake, though the cause of its formation remains a historical mystery. Against the backdrop of Taipei’s geographic history, we have reimagined it into a new geo-fictional story, depicting the gradual transformation over time, from the crumbling of mountains, the uplifting of nearby lands, and the formation of a giant lake from rainwater. Insects, birds, and even mystical creatures of the mountain forests are entwined in this tale. Even as the lake receded and people built city-states, the hidden mystical forces of the place still lingered. These musical performance segments resemble chapters and illustrations from a book, hence the work is titled “Map of Rain City’s Mountains and Rivers”.
The performance combines the traditional instrument guzheng with electronic sounds. We modulate the guzheng’s sound on-site using effects processors and incorporate AI-generated sound materials to depict our imagined psychedelic natural landscapes, mystical creatures in the mountain forests, various animals, and the soundscapes of rain, rivers, and lakes.
張晏慈X吳妍萱: 雨城之誌山川總圖
演出將古箏這一傳統樂器與電子聲響相結合。我們在現場使用效果器來調變古箏的聲音,同時也使用 AI 生成的聲響素材,以描繪我們想像中的迷幻自然景觀、山林中的神獸、各種動物,以及雨水、河流、湖泊的音景。
張晏慈為臺灣新媒體藝術家/聲音藝術家,她的創作結合藝術、程式和多樣媒體技術。作品曾在許多國際會議和藝術/音樂節中展覽與演出,其中執導的新媒體舞蹈劇場作品《幻象複本2.0》為2023年林茲國際電子藝術節中的開幕首演,過去作品曾於 roBOt 08 Festival、Linux Audio Conference、International Symposium on Electronic Arts、倫敦數位設計週 Digital Design Weekend in London,以及Most Wanted: Music in Berlin等等場和展演。近年,受國內外單位的肯定,並獲選為進駐藝術家,包括巴賽隆納Hangar昂格藝術村、澳洲伯斯The Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts - PICA,以及Arts@ITRI藝術家進駐工研院等知名機構。
“指尖下流淌出淬煉後的堅毅。” ─ 北京中央社
臺灣當代箏樂演奏家。 臺灣桃園人,中央音樂學院民樂系藝術碩士、中央音樂學院民樂系學士。
師從中央音樂學院博士生導師、著名古箏教育家、演奏家周望教授。台灣首位周望教授嫡傳學生。連續在2003–2005年期間榮獲國家多項比賽金獎第一名。中央音樂學院在校期間成績優異,連續3年榮獲《台灣學生獎學金》一等獎。 演出足跡遍及臺灣、北京、德國、香港、韓國、吉隆坡、檳城、上海、石家莊、河北、福建、江蘇等地。並於TWMF世界音樂節、韓國全州國際音樂藝術節Sori Festival、再壹波藝術節、臺北國際現代音樂節、蘭城國際音樂節、鐵玫瑰音樂祭、臺北藝穗節、失聲祭、海是生活節等國內外音樂節演出,同時數次被邀請在臺灣、中國各地舉辦展演講座。
現今為音樂藝術工作者、立方重奏CUBE BAND 古箏演奏家、線上音樂平台文字工作者、十興箏樂團專業教師。

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen

Yen Tzu Chang X Yen Xuan Wu: Map of Rain City's Mountains and Rivers, Photo by@photo___allen