The Anomaly 異態現象 (Lecture Performance Version) | 2023
Lecture Performance

The work “The Anomaly” began with my personal experience of being harassed by a white man on the street, which led me to reflect on the situation of women being targeted and the living conditions of Asian women or Asian immigrants here. Through conversations with people, I gradually understood the difficulties faced by Asian women, many of which are difficult to express. Even if they are spoken about, they are often be misunderstood, so eventually, it becomes normal to keep quiet. However, this should not be normal. In this work, I hope these uncomfortable and inexpressible feelings can be understood and expressed through the artist’s experience and the medium of art.
I deeply understand that this work cannot solve this such complex social problems. At this stage, all it can do is express and create empathy. The audiences who come to see the performance are diverse, and improving social issues is not just the responsibility of women, Asians, or immigrants but requires the participation and understanding of more people. I’m glad to see many audiences come to see this performance; you are the ones who have the opportunity to make this place better.
The Anomaly, 2023
It was presented as a Lecture Performance at PICA – Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts. @pica_perth
Photos Provided by PICA
Photos by @t.r.i.s.m
The Anomaly (異態現象) 作品從自身遭街頭白人男子無理叫囂的情況,開始思考女性成為被攻擊的對象,並探討亞洲女性或亞裔移民在此的生活狀況。透過與人們對話聊天,創作者逐漸了解到亞裔女性常態性的面臨兩個主要的困難,其一為因文化上的隔閡,他們並不容易找尋到合適的對象訴說煩惱;其二是擔心在目前的社會氛圍下,自身的想法被誤解或曲解。以一個外國藝術創作者的視角,這兩個困難都不該成為常態,因此在這作品中,希望將這些不舒適、無法言說的感受,藉由藝術家的經驗與藝術的媒介,能夠被理解與抒發。
駐村計畫也包含於臺北及伯斯的都市環境中所採集的街景與田野錄音。作品以講述表演 (Lecture Performance) ,創造一個融合臺北與伯斯之場景與音景之地,mapping 於工作室空間與裝置,透過藝術家的身體作為替身,讓長久被壓抑的亞裔女性視角與觀點,透過行為與文字傳達出來。
Special Thanks: PICA, Taipei Artist Village, Central TAFE, Olivia Nichols, Jo Yong, Miranda Johnson, Hannah Mathews, Sarah Wall, Brent Harrison, David Brazier, Predrag Delibasic, Soula Veyradier, Sam Leung, Manda Campbell, Erin Lockyer, Georgia Siciliano, Ashley Yihsin Chang, Gregory Pryor, Sze Tsang, Chris Cobilis, Samuel Beilby, Ionat Zurr, Oron Catts, Aisyah Sumito, jessie ~ qíqí琪琪, Annika Moses, Michelle Hall, The Bird, ALT | live, Gallery Central, RTRFM, Rebecca Jane McCauley, Aaron Claringbold, Paul Boye, Jimi DePriest, Andrea Rassell, Eduardo Cossio, Tess Crow, Tom Allum, Tenebrae, Ai-Ling Truong, Amir, Des, Lani and more. There are too many kind people and friends that it’s hard to list all, but I really appreciated all of your support.

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](

Photos Provided by PICA Photos by [@t.r.i.s.m](