The Anomaly 異態現象 (Exhibition Version) | 2024


態現象 - 女性、身體與自然的再敘述 展覽版 The Anomaly - Re-narrating Women, Bodies, and Nature (Exhibition Version)

張晏慈 Yen-Tzu Chang

2024 寶藏巖冬季開放系列活動––感知共振

感謝寶藏巖國際藝術村 @taipeiartistvillage 邀約展覽。

專案經理:張維齡 @_itsuki_raika_ 

開幕現場演出:詹佩瑄 @pei_hsuan0412 

作品影像舞者:林憶圻 @017_lin

工作室助理:林竟航 @0jh_90

特別感謝: @pica_perth , @cyllyn950__ , @_yenom.fish_ , @timjjting




地點 |寶藏巖國際藝術村 邊境52號

During her residency, Yen Tzu Chang began to reflect on the phenomenon of women being attacked after personally experiencing the unreasonable shouting of a man on the street. She explored the living conditions of Asian female locals and immigrants in the area. This experience led her to change the original direction of her residency project. Instead of her initial plans, she produced a series of stage-based performance speeches as the outcome of her residency, which later developed into a series of performances and exhibitions.

The residency experience prompted her to think about the relationship between her gender, body, and society. In today’s digital age, the body is reshaped in the virtual world, sometimes completely stripping away human characteristics, as if the soul can control a brand-new form. Her work integrates AI-generated images and sounds to explore how the body is represented, focusing on the connection between digital bodies, women, and nature, as well as the fusion between organic and inorganic entities. It examines how these elements influence and establish a sense of identity between the self and its avatars in new environments.


因為駐村經驗開始構思自身性別、身體形態與社會的關係。在當今數位時代,身體在虛擬世界中被重新塑造,甚至完全去除掉人的特徵,靈魂彷彿可以操控全新的形態。作品融合 AI 生成影像與聲響,探討身體如何被再現,聚焦於數位身體、女性與自然之間的連結,以及有機體與無機體之間的融合,並在新的場域中如何影響和建立自我與分身之間的認同感。

The Anomaly 異態現象 (Exhibition Version)

The Anomaly 異態現象 (Exhibition Version)

The Anomaly 異態現象 (Exhibition Version)

The Anomaly 異態現象 (Exhibition Version)